Inhouse – Occupational Safety and Health Protection

What is work and health protection?

  • How the Works Council can get involved
  • Work related health risks
  • Work accidents
  • Works Council obligations


Internal and external work protection organisations

  • Persons, institutions, tasks, fields of action, cooperation, legal framework of company occupational health
  • Duties of the work protection committee


Overview of the major legal aspects and hierarchy

  • Effects of European directives on federal German legislation - effects on company level
  • Occupational safety laws and occupational safety regulations in practice
  • The most important regulations from the occupational safety law and the workplace ordinance
  • Regulations of the professional trade association 


Works Constitutional Act – norms, obligations, rights and duties of the Works Council

  • Monitoring duties in terms of § 80 Section 1 No. 1 BetrVG
  • Co-determination of the Works Council in terms of § 87 Section 1 No. 7 BetrVG
  • Participation of the Works Council in occupational safety and in the design of the workplace, the work process and the working environment


Knowledge after attending this training session

  • Basics of occupational health and safety
  • Organisational principles of occupational safety
  • How laws, rules and regulations can be integrated in a holistic occupational health protection system
  • What is meant with the legal accident prevention in terms of SGB VII
  • How can the Works Council implement measures in terms of the occupational health law (ArbSchG)
aas Seminare – Inhouse – Betriebsverfassungsrecht – Teil 1 und 2 – kompakt Inhouse

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Ihr eigener Tagungsraum / ein externer Raum Ihrer Wahl / eines unserer aas-Hotels
Ihr Wunschreferent oder unsere Empfehlung
Zur Inhouse-Anfrage

Und so geht's

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Individuellere Schulungen gibt es wohl kaum: SIE bestimmen sämtliche Eckpunkte Ihres Inhouse-Seminars und sagen WAS, WANN, WO und mit WEM!

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Selbstverständlich kommen wir auf Wunsch aber auch gerne mit Vorschlägen und Ideen auf Sie zu.

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